Type of DegreeGrado en Odontologia
Dentistry (Grado en Odontologia)
From 2024, UCAM will only offer dentistry in English at its Cartagena campus. The above video is a few years' old now but does feature the input of a British student at UCAM Cartagena.
There are 60 places on the dentistry degree in English in Cartagena. Admissions for 2025 are now closed because the course is full. Please contact us for an update on the status of the waiting list.
Entry Requirements
The entry requirements are ABB or better at A' level, including Biology and Chemistry. If you have the International Baccalaureate, Scottish Highers or the Irish Leaving Certificate please contact us and we will provide you with entry requirements for these qualifications.
The entry process to UCAM does not involve an entrance exam but does include an interview. This interview will be relatively informal in comparison to British dental schools. In addition to your grades, candidates will be assessed on their language ability and their motivation. For students on the English-taught programme it is not necessary to speak Spanish but in common with all other dental degrees in Spain, please do not apply if you are not willing to learn the language. Even though all classes and exams are in English, you will not be able to enter clinics without Spanish language ability.
Please also bear in mind that, as with all Spanish dental degrees, you will almost certainly have to meet the costs of tuition and living from your own resouces. UCAM is certainly the most affordable of all the Spanish options but this does not mean that it is cheap.
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